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How to Manage a Transition in Your life..

When nothing changes, life becomes somewhat easy to manage; we know what to expect. But when you are in the midst of any kind of change, this can trigger feelings like anxiety and fear, even if the transition is a positive one. Have you ever changed jobs? Gotten married? Gotten divorced? Had a child? Moved? Any of these life events are transitions-going from the familiar to the unfamiliar. 

Navigating unchartered waters can definitely make us doubt ourselves, pause, re-think and ultimately change our minds. 

Have you ever not made a change, even though it could have been a chance for you to grow and learn, because ‘the devil you know is better than the devil you don’t know?’ Too oftentimes we stay with what’s familiar because of fear. Do you really want to keep letting fear stunt your emotional growth? Or on the other hand, have you ever pushed through the fear because you knew the change you were about to make was in your best interest? If so, were you proud of yourself? Be sure to always acknowledge times that you are scared but do it anyway; this is the only way we grow! 

Here are some tips on healthy ways to manage any transition:

  1. Ask yourself if this is a transition that will benefit you. If it is, get support from family, friends, and/or a therapist. The more fans and cheerleaders you have in your corner, the easier it will be to stay the course. 
  2. Write down 2-3 benefits you will experience by pushing through the fear and coming out on the other side. Read these daily. 
  3. Ask yourself what the worst-case scenario is, and then come up with a plan as to how you will deal with that scenario, IF it comes to fruition. Be sure to also ask yourself what the best-case scenario is and how you will feel if that comes to fruition. Last, ask yourself what the most likely case scenario is and can you live with that? 
  4. Remind yourself of all the transitions you have successfully managed throughout your entire life; clearly you are capable of change. 

The truth is we are constantly changing. Nothing truly stays the same. You are different now than when you started reading this article-a few minutes older and wiser! Part of being human is feeling fear and growth. 

Life is too short to not let yourself grow. I can’t imagine at the end of your life you be satisfied if you lived small. Go out and live as big and fully as you choose! It’s your life and you are the only one who needs to be ok with your decisions. 

Most importantly, you are capable of managing transitions and change. 

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