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You’re Probably Closer than You Think…

What do you want out of life? Really think about this…in this one life you have, what do you hope to experience, achieve or have? What do you have to do to get there? Before you stop reading, maybe thinking to yourself, oh, ‘this is one of those motivational articles and I can’t possibly have what I really want’, I challenge you to read on.

Much of what we have in our lives is simply there because we created or allowed it. For example, someone who is in great physical shape has that because they work on their body, they exercise and eat clean. Or, on the other hand, someone who is grossly out of shape is in that situation because they tolerate it. Think about a time when you put your foot down and said NO! No, I won’t tolerate _______ anymore! Maybe, you decided to quit smoking that day or ended an abusive relationship; but whatever it was, it left your life because you no longer allowed it to stay. This is an example of your power; and if you have the power to remove behaviors/relationships/experiences from your life, you also have the power to ADD positive
behaviors/relationships/experiences too.

Well, maybe now you’re thinking, ‘But Stacey, it’s too hard, you don’t understand my situation.’ While I may not know you and the details of your circumstances, I am a huge believer in ‘Where there is a WILL, there is a WAY!’ Oftentimes, we have no idea what that WAY is but so many people have figured out particular WAYS to accomplish what they want when they started out having no idea of what path to take to get there.

So, let’s try something…
1. Choose a goal (start small).
2. Think about what you have already tried that hasn’t worked and cross that off your list!
3. Think about who you know who has accomplished this goal.
4. What did that person do to get there? What do they practice daily to maintain this goal?
5. Could you meet with them and interview them about the path they took? (Skype,
FaceTime, phone call, email, text or in person)
6. Is it possible you are closer than you think you are? (Sometimes the finish line looks so
far away and it’s only another few steps.)

This approach can work with anything-being more loving in your relationships, your health,
your finances or your job. Whatever you choose to apply this method to, give it your all! My
guess is that you are closer than you think!!

“What we can or cannot do, what we consider possible or impossible is rarely a function of our
true capability. It is more a function of our beliefs about who we are.” –Tony Robbins

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