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The Unexpected

You’ve likely experienced the feeling that each day is the same-wake up, go to work, eat, sleep, repeat. 

But what happens when life throws a curve ball at you? 

How do you handle the unexpected events that come your way? 

Do you freeze in fear or maybe you dive in and tend to thrive in change or crisis? 

Whatever you do when life doesn’t go as planned, know that there is no right or wrong way. Having said that, there are things you can do that will help you manage life’s surprises. What things you ask? Read on..

  1. Breathe. 
  2. Take a moment to stop and consider what is happening around you- with whatever information you have.
  3. Stay in the moment-try not to ask ‘why is this happening’ but instead try and find faith that ‘everything will be ok’. 
  4. Talk with others in the same situation or those who have been in similar situations-ask how they managed and/or coped.
  5. Address what you need to address and work on not speculating too far into the future.
  6. Challenge yourself to see how well you can ride the wave of change-change is not always bad.
  7. Remind yourself you have had curve balls thrown your way in the past and you survived and maybe even thrived-you can do that again, even if the ball is different. 
  8. Unexpected suggests we had a particular expectation that a situation would stay the same or be the way we imagined it to be. Check your expectations and maybe tweak them. Live like a Buddist-have no attachment to any particular situation. Your life will be more relaxing!
  9. Give yourself permission to feel any feelings you have; then remind yourself that you have choices as to how to deal with your feelings. 
  10. Would you really want your life to remain the same forever? Even with the pandemic we have been experiencing, there have been positives we can glean from it. Find the positives in your life. 

No matter what curve balls you experience, look for the lesson(s) in them. They are usually hidden but there. 

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